
Transcendently Creepy Story

A 47-year-old Lutherville/Essex attorney/magician who – frighteningly – runs a children’s entertainment company in Baltimore County was arrested and charged with flying to Florida to have sex with a 14-year-old boy, It was a “Predators” type deal: the guy was really talking to undercover cops who posed as both the boy and – perhaps more creepily – the boy’s caregiver. So this guy was all pumped up that everyone was on board.

This magician/lawyer – a combination that was bound to end badly – claims to be a criminal lawyer yet he fell for the ole “bring a basketball and a movie so we can identify your pathetic self” play.

The story is in the Baltimore Sun and the Maryland Daily Record. I love the Daily Record’s title that the arrest could spur an Attorney Grievance Commission. Really? Ya think?

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